Annotations for "Donate"

Item Time Annotation Layer
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 3:26 - 3:49 BK: And thanks for you for saying yay and donating, and coming, and thanks most of all to Bernadette Mayer for writing poetry and for creating these vitalizing energy vessels for us all to enjoy
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 4:09 - 4:25 BK: Many of you have already donated but if you want to donate again or...if you have not donated yet and would like to
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 4:29 Sharescreen of How to Donate document it includes Paypal and Venmo handle @generocity and the website for Cuneiform Press. Alongside the shared screen is a gallery view of Bradley King, Kyle Schlesinger in front of a large library of books, and two other people (unknown), but also the Zoom icon with the first name of a letter S. One of the people is sitting in bed eating soup.
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 13:57 - 14:24 BK: Has written out some of her favorite of Bernadette's sonnets and these are kind of the grand prize for donations. But if you feel moved to donate 500 dollars to our honarium for Bernadette Mayer and Philip's cause to buy a generator tonight these are available.
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 40:30 - 40:47 Back to BK in Speaker View. Um. BK begins sharescreen of PayPal and Venmo information and Cuneiform Press's domain name. BK: Can y'all hear me? I'm just posting this again. Many. There's a lot of people showing up as we go. So here's how you donate. Y'all can see right? Audience visible in gallery view side bar: Yes.