Annotations for "Synesthesia"

Item Time Annotation Layer
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 7:49 - 7:59 BM in speaker mode: Oh, uh, ok, well A is red. B is pink. C is ochre. (slight distortion or lag) D is black.
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 8:11 - 8:26 BM: G is brown. brief cut to audience member in speaker view. H blue gray. I gray, J, brown, K black, L gray, O a beautiful white!
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 8:27 - 8:48 BM: M brown, N, should I go on? BK: Yeah, please! Cut to BK in speaker view. N, O white, P, blue, drak blue, uhhh, Q is golden
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 8:49 - 9:20 BM: R is burnt orange, S yellow, T dark blue gray, U gray, V blue, What comes after V? W, brown, X golden, Y, yellow, Z, brown. BK: Brown? What comes after brown? BM laughs loudly.
Bernadette Mayer: Generocity Reading 9:21 - 9:35 BM: Well nothing really. Every synesthete has a different color for every letter so somebody's else's letters would would be a different color. BK: I see.