Time Annotation Layer
0:18 Jimmy: "Beautiful enough for me" Poetry Recitation
0:20 Jimmy: "The sun" Poetry Recitation
0:21 Hits her yellow house Poetry Recitation
0:28 "It's almost like a sign from God." Poetry Recitation
0:04 Jimmy paces into and out of view through the classroom door in a medium long shot, demonstrating simultaneity; Lisa in medium close and Jimmy in medium long. Cinematography
0:15 Lisa edges through the doorway and stands almost fully inside classroom gazing at Jimmy in a medium shot Cinematography
0:16 - 0:27 Cut to shallow focus close-up of Jimmy pacing into and out of the frame reciting "Anna' Cinematography and Editing
0:01 Over the shoulder shot of Lisa looking into a classroom and we hear Jimmy mumble inaudibly Cinematography and Dialogue
0:15 Cut to shallow focus close-up as Jimmy continues reciting Editing
0:27 Cut back to medium long shot of Lisa watching Jimmy through doorway Editing and Cinematography
0:12 Jimmy voice over continues, ending in the phrase "Anna's beautiful" Dialogue
0:34 Lisa edges into classroom to ask 'What was that?" Dialogue
0:08 Cut to medium shot of Lisa through the doorway and we can hear Jimmy say "Anna's beautiful" to begin the poem Cinematography, Editing, and Recitation

Jimmy Recites Anna at archive.org.

IIIF manifest: https://zillingworth.github.io/the-kindergarten-teacher-poetry/jimmy-recites-anna/manifest.json